Friday 18 August 2017

Sometimes, Just Let It Go

I have experienced this wonderful situation a lot time in my life.

I have felt that, in situations when one has two choices; one of either letting the thing go and other of staying, sticking around, it is always better to let go off the thing instead of keeping it your side.

I feel, if you keep holding it for too long it can cause a lot of harm and pain.
Try letting it go. If the thing was meant for you, if it was a good thing for you, it would return back to you in someway; you won't loose it in the long run. But, if it wasn't meant for you in the first place, it would leave you as soon as you wish to give it up.

It's like a magnet, the things good for you would continue to attract to you even when you try to push it off, but the things that are forcefully kept by you, would disappear as you loose grip over it.

This leads to, a sense of happiness too. If the thing you let go, came back to you; you would be happy to know that it would always be by your side. And if the thing left you; you can be happy that you let it go before it could cause more harm.
This is the power of letting go.

Though it is sometimes depend on situation, but it has always helped me to keep myself at peace and achieve a good frame of mind.

Holding on to something unnecessary can weather and deteriorate your own self.
So, always be happy and spread happiness.

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